Student-Athlete to CEO

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Yes, that is the title!  The title for my book is going to be Student-Athlete to CEO. Oh, by the way, that is why I haven’t posted an article here in the past several months.

I have been working on the concept for a book for many years now, and over the past several months, it has really come together. Being a former student-athlete, I find the foundational skillset I learned playing college basketball is directly applied in many decisions I make as a business leader today.

Playing basketball was a major part of my life from 4th grade through college, and I also coached basketball at the elementary and middle school level for over a decade at a private-Christian school. Over my 25+ year business career, I have been a CEO for over a decade. With this level of experience, I know the discipline it takes to be a student-athlete as well as the CEO Mindset necessary to embrace challenges and drive performance.

The book will be broken up into 6 sections:

  • Foundation of a Student-Athlete
  • Commitment & Teamwork
  • Personal Growth & Accountability
  • Resilience & Strategic Thinking
  • Leadership & Empowerment
  • Enjoying The Journey

The sections will walk you through the journey of how a student-athlete can apply what he/she has already learned in order to become an effective business leader. Although it will be from a student-athlete to business leader lens, it will draw similarities to other careers as well.

My goal with this book is to help you understand how athletic discipline translates to business principles, and how being a student-athlete can prepare you for being an effective business leader. 

<I>Trent McCracken is a global business & technology consultant with over two decades of leadership experience as an entrepreneur and CEO of technology and software companies.</I>
Trent McCracken is a global business & technology consultant with over two decades of leadership experience as an entrepreneur and CEO of technology and software companies.

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