Business Posts

Internet Security Can No Longer Be Ignored

Share on linkedin Share on twitter Share on facebook Small businesses particularly are vulnerable against computer hacks as they don’t have the IT resources or funds to protect themselves the way larger companies can.  I

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Marketing Basics

Share on linkedin Share on twitter Share on facebook Marketing is a critical component to any business and should be in sync with sales. Early on in my career, I honestly didn’t understand the value

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Leadership Styles

Share on linkedin Share on twitter Share on facebook A few months back I wrote about the differences of Business Leaders vs Managers.  I received some good feedback, so this week I wanted to dive into

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Negotiating Tips

Share on linkedin Share on twitter Share on facebook I spent most of last week in a very intense contract negotiation.  In the end, I seem to be getting most of what I desired, and

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Annual Strategic Planning is Essential

Share on linkedin Share on twitter Share on facebook Many startup companies, and mature companies as well sometimes minimize the importance of annual strategic planning.  This is particularly a challenge when everything is going so

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Business Leaders vs. Managers

Share on linkedin Share on twitter Share on facebook I have witnessed over the course of my career that many people who are responsible for a team of employees tend to manage them instead of

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